Integral Recruiting Services provides employer services to help you grow and to build a great team that fits your culture.
Many companies want to grow, but don’t want to hire someone for fear of the extra work of being an “employer.” That’s where we can help with payrolling.
Other employers want to feel assured that the candidate they like fits their culture. That’s where we can help with personality assessments.
There may be strict rules for your industry that require background checks or drug screens. We can help with that.
Does the candidate really know how to use a skill they claim to know? Proficiency testing helps you to ascertain if the candidate has the skills to succeed.
Would a better job description help you to attract better talent? We have dozens of years of consulting experience.
Since 2013, we’ve been helping companies make better selections that result in less churn in their organization. By expanding and evaluating offerings and partners we’re able to deliver a wide range of services to that end.
Our list of employer services continues to grow as we seek and form alliances with trusted vendors who are leaders in their specialty. We understand the laws, rules and best practices with regard to providing these services and can help explain why we’re the best choice when seeking help and guidance for any of our offerings.
Simply put, we provide services that reduce the cost and administrative burden for your organization while helping you to grow faster and maintain and enhance your culture.
You know you’ve made a successful hire when they fit your culture, love to come to work, produce great results, and help your company to grow. The best way to do that is to spend the time in the hiring process to feel confident that the person you bring on is the right person.
We help you do that by offering these, and other employer services:
Contact us to learn more about how our services can help your company.